These fun plates were created at the Church of the Resurrection during an art camp. The painters ranged in age from 6 to 12. Ceramic Cafe can come to your location for a painting activity. We have great ideas for your church group or Sunday School and special group pricing too. Painting pottery is fun for any age, so don’t assume it is just for kids!
Caroline with her owl Look how please Caroline is with her owl. She did a GREAT job! She came with some of her family and they all had fun creating with glass. Several of them made night lights out of glass. Does painting pottery sometimes intimidate you or seem a little overwhelming. Well then, glass fusing is the perfect creative alternative for you. Finished
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Look how great these tiles painted by 3 year olds look. The hearts on the top tile are pretty advanced for a 3 year old, but with our new Cricut machine we can turn even a “smeared paint” creation into something with a fun design. We cut the large letters out of contact paper on the Cricut machine and put them on the tile before a child starts
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Thanksgiving is a time to relax and enjoy family and friends. It is an “aah” moment before the hectic holiday season gets into full swing. Make your Thanksgiving dinner extra special this year with a personalized plate for every family member. What about a handpainted platter for the turkey and dressing? Here is another idea…. make your gathering a festive event and actually
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